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School Notebook



Complete your Contract Online


If you can not find it please email: to send again. Your session is not fully booked unless this is signed. 


Make sure you have paid your deposit on your invoice 


If you can not find it please email: to send again. Your session is not fully booked unless this is complete. Remaining balance is due ON or BEFORE your session.



Select your location


Your location should be confirmed with Summer. If you do not have a location in mind yet, please check the Location Map and talk with Summer ASAP to assure your option is possible!


Confirm the "Extras"


-Do you have a friend or family member to help with the leash for a pet you may be bringing?

-Do you have a make up or hair appt?

-Do you need any last minute accessories?

-Are you clear on the location meeting point and time? 




Fashion Checkpoint


Take out all pieces of everyone's outfits including shoes, socks, scarves, hairbows, and any other piece that may be worn that day.  This may even include the dog collar or leash! Have everyone try them on (we know kiddos outgrown things quickly!) You do not want to have complaints and things lost or not fitting day of as we want a low stress fun session! Click HERE for some fashion suggestions and ideas

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